Sunday, October 7, 2007

Long Time No Shoe!

Okay - so I havn't written in a while - what can I say... so much to tell.  Give me some time to gather my thoughts and I will hit you with updates.... PROMISE!

Friday, February 2, 2007

- It Was Never Real

Strolling past the stream
in a haze of apathy
she came upon  his reflection
and paused to gaze at the phantasm
confident that soon
it would reveal itself as an illusion.

Friday, January 5, 2007

- Lounging

The feline loooooooooooooooves to lounge by Spouse's feet. Here are some shots taken on the couch when Spouse was recovering from wisdom teeth extraction.

Monday, January 1, 2007

- Mascarading as Wintertime

It was in the 70s! Warm enough to use the resort's outdoor hot tub if so desired! Very unusual for December in this southern city.

New Year's Eve is very special for us since, representing the celebrations under which we first met. Nothing is more fun than when overworked adults get to dress up for a ball and feast on 5 deletable courses. WE had masks and hats, causing much laughter. The band was pretty impressive and everyone on our table made it to the dance floor at some point during the night. For the midnight hour there was the option of going outside to the harbor lawn and watching the fireworks or staying in the ballroom and experiencing the cascade of balloons that were netted to the high ceiling.

Since one of the other couples at our table had a great suite, they invited the two of us to join them on their balcony, which we did. The view was awesome..... we could see the whole city's firework display.

10....9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our 2 masked men (boys) with ecstatically shaking rattles and blowing tasseled whistles, yelling at guest on the adjacent balconies as we watched the lights explode in the sky. The yachts and boats were also yelling and Jouet was popping.

I love the way 2007 about you guys?

Saturday, December 30, 2006

- Hands!

I thought Guido Daniele's work on hands was quite amazing! Check out that eagle in flight (scroll down...)!!!

Friday, December 29, 2006

- Law and Order (Special Letters Unit)

Fun Spoof!!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

- THE Play

Fellow THE PLAY" attendees - believe it or not, it's almost that time again. Those of you who have attended in the past know how absolutely awesome this production is....and it only gets better and better! Tickets go on sale on January 5th, so book early and get the best seats! As usual we'll be buying a block for the finale for family and friends. Hope you make it this year and don't forget to stay afterwards to meet the cast! It's a truly powerful tool to be a part of. Get more information at .

Here are some of last year's backstage photos.............we had soooooooooooooooooooo much fun!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

- CHRISTmas Day 2006

CHRISTmas was truly wonderful!

We visited family and friends, enjoyed excellent company and feasted on the most delicious variety of fantastically prepared dishes! Thank you all!
A very special thank you to our dearest "Hostess De Jour" for the obvious efforts taken to ensure such a pleasurable celebration of the birth of Jesus!!!
We gathered, we gave thanks, we ate, we laughed......
We sang carols.......We laughed some more....... We generally had a very MERRY CHRISTmas!!!!!!
Hope your CHRISTmas was as joyful.....

Lots of love from ours to yours xxxxxxxxxx

- Prince of Peace

For unto us a child is born........

The Mighty God....
The Everlasting Father...
The Prince of Peace!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

- 'Twas The Night Before.....

We had a lovely Candlelight Service earlier this evening....we (the choir) had to stay on the risers throughout, but thankfully, we had chairs. Everybody in the sanctuary had a candle and it truly was a beautiful sight to watch as the light from the first candle spread through the whole sanctuary. The purpose that we are to spread the light of Christ through the darkness was clearly illustrated.....we had a great view fro where we sat...and when the whole sanctuary sang "Silent Night" accapella....WOW! What a joy to celebrate Christ's birth with family and friends!!!!!

It is now much later and though I bought some of my gifts earlier in the season, I STILL have not finished wrapping's late and I'm fact I was just logging on to take a break and here I am....WRITING!!!! It's been a long day and I should practice what I have been saying over and over again to every single female I have hugged and encouraged this month.....I am going to "RECHARGE MY BATTERIES" I'm off to Snoozeville .......... tomorrow is nigh ........The world will still run as it was suppose to if I finish my wrapping in the morning!!!!!

I leave you with some Christmas giggles.......'Twas the night before Christmas........

Saturday, December 23, 2006

- Not For The Ostrich

How about this video?
"Auntie Princess" sent it a while back and I came across it again today. It's better viewed with the sound on.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

- Snow, Man, Snow!

Someone told me that there are millions of earth dwellers outside the Mongolian borders who have never seen real snow falling from the sky.

Such people have never known the thrill of trudging through thick white snow in cosy snow boots or the euphoria associated with flinging oneself onto the dazzling icy fluff with flailing limbs (akin to a mild seizure) in order to create a "snow angel".

What a baffling revelation! The Shoe (me, myself & I) is truly perplexed!

Never mind though - here is an interesting link that enables you to see 3 dimentional snowflakes. It's rather clever! Click here to REALLY see snow!

Friday, December 8, 2006

- That Time Again!

I'm waiting to about you?

These days, I feel that as soon as Thanksgiving comes around one has to take a deep breath in order to enter the turmoil that is known as "The Holiday Season"! I myself call it "Christmas Time" - you know, that time between Thanksgiving and December 26th. It's like a whirlpool of activities that you can't quite keep up with..... someone somewhere has to be gently let down, after all, there is only ONE of you and you cannot be in two places at the same time, as much as you might try to be. There is this problem of over-committing yourself that I used to be guilty of...but NOT ANYMORE! Today for example, though I had a million and two things to do, I scheduled what I affectionately call "Me Time"!

"What is this strange sounding event? " - I hear you ask in perplexed anxiety as you wonder for the billionth time what to get him for Christmas this year, while simultaneously checking your voicemail, e-mail, reading this post, keeping an eye on the baby AND walking the dog! Contrary to common thought, it is not merely sitting down and doing nothing or pampering yourself (though these are effective aspects of the time) , it's more about taking a time out from your
scheduled life and not allowing any thought process to occupy your mind beyond the pursuit of..........nothing! I will elaborate on this process another time. It means no phones (yes, I said it....) or any such external intrusion allowed. It's about encasing yourself in an invisible cocoon
of peace. This can mean different things to different people. "Me Time" can be 5 minutes or 5 hour long. When it's 5 days long however, it's know as "Me Vacation"!

During "Me Time", there are NO scheduled events.....absolutely NOT ANY!!! Time is of no consequence. It's about a renewing of oneself. I call it "charging your batteries after all, you cannot run with empty batteries. To give you an analogy a 'Today Addict" (I'll explain this term another time) can relate to... imagine your cell phone when the battery is low. If you do not recharge it soon, the phone will die. Similarly, our mental and physical "batteries" MUST be recharged periodically. If not we develop illnesses that take their toll over time and before you know it............well I won't expand here, but you get my drift.

Strange as I am, I am able to feel it when a person's batteries are low and I make sure that each time I am led to remind such a person to take "Me Time", I do so. I make sure that I say whatever I am led to say to give a temporary verbal "charge", with a parting reminder that
those batteries need recharging soon.

Anyway, I originally started this post to let you all now about a website I came across recently that I find useful, but as usual, I digressed. So back to my point.....I have a strong dislike ("hate" is apparently not a nice word) for shopping when the malls are crowded or indeed at this time of year when corporations that find the word "Christmas" offensive, capitalize on the celebrations nonetheless. I try to do my Christmas shopping without trudging through the crowds by using catalogs, the web and knowing EXACTLY what I want before I leave the house. For ideas, I LOVE this site . It points to you thousands of ideas by specific categories for the person you are shopping for. Love it!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

- Why Choose You?

A friend sent this to me and I am sharing it for the simple reason that such words MUST be shared!

God Has Chosen You
by Roy Lessin

God was the one who formed you, gave you the breath of life, and brought you into the world. He did this so that His arms could embrace you and His love could keep you—He wanted you to know that your relationship with Him would always be of more value than the things He would have you do for Him. He wanted you to be certain that He loved you completely before you ever did anything in His service, so that your service would never become a way of trying to earn His love or favor.

As you came to know His heart and hear His voice, you heard Him speak a call to your life. This call would mean that He would never ask you to do anything for Him that He expected you to do without Him. He alone would be the source of your sufficiency. His only desire would be that you would daily open your heart to His resources—He wanted you to be sure that you would never have to say, "I can't," without also being able to say, "He can!"

You are now in the place He has called you. He has made no mistakes in leading you here. Even in the hard places He is working out what is best—not only for you and for others, but also for His Kingdom. He is not looking at your statistics or programs to measure you; He is looking at your heart to see if you are faithful. He wants you to know that the results of your obedience are for Him to determine. Be assured that it is His presence that will keep you and make you strong.

You are in God's place at God's perfect time. Your days are in His hands, and He is your future. He has gifted you, and placed His hand upon you to bless you and make you a blessing. The burden of your ministry is not yours to carry—as you rest, He will work; as you abide, He will bring fruit; as you sow, He will give the increase. He is your shield and your exceeding great reward.

He is your provider. He will take care of you. He will nurture and sustain you. His Spirit is the wind to cool you, the water to refresh you, the power to enable you, the oil to anoint you, and the river that flows through you to touch the lives of others. Continue to be God's man, in God's place, doing God's will, in God's way, and always remember—God has chosen you!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

- Psycho Babble?

Alright then, it seems I must explain the difference between a psychiatrist, a psychologist and a psychoanalyst! Yes, there IS a difference comrades, so though you may want to lump all the "psycho babble " together , I will gently (and briefly) enlighten you....with my usual helpfully linked words. ;->

A psychiatrist is an MD who has been through medical school in order to be qualified to prescribe medication fro those diagnosed with mental illnesses that require medication, such as someone suffering from manic-depression (AKA bi-polar disorder) or schizophrenia. These illnesses are usually physiologically based due to chemical imbalances that need to be corrected. Not all chemical imbalances require psychiatric treatment though. Many Family Doctors are qualified to prescribe common remedies for more "common" illnesses such as anxiety disorders and clinical depression and ofter refer patients to a psychologist.

A psychologist is not an MD and usually holds a doctorate degree. A psychologist tends to focus on dealing with emotional issues that have little to do with the physiology of the patient, such as grief, low-esteem, abuse, phobia and mild compulsive behavior. A patient may be referred to a psychologist by a psychiatrist and vice versa. Psychologists are often referred to as psychotherapists (though some practicing MDs adhere to the role of therapist when dealing with adaptive behavior...but I am not going to get that deep here...) and may work closely with counselors and social workers.

A psychoanalyst is someone who basis their treatment on the teachings of Sigmund Freud regarding the subconscious mind. These three sources of mental treatment do not necessarily work exclusively from each other. There are different methodologies applied in how often patients are seen as well as the different treatments provided.

That's all I am writing about here or else I will get too deep. Hopefully the links provided along this post will provide further insight.......

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Ever heard of Desiderata?

It is my humblest belief that part of understanding the Truth of Life is in understanding why we exist, and part (the primary part being the purpose we were created for) of understanding why we exist may lie in taking the message of each individual sentence from "Desiderata" and asking ourselves whether the message of that sentence is difficult to accept. If so, then we have an answer to it’s relevance. I believe that at different periods of our life on earth, we are to learn different lessons, and wisdom comes with the depth of understanding we take from each lesson. These lessons can be acknowledged or ignored and come in no chronological order. I believe that only when all lessons are understood do we harness the Truth behind the purpose of our existence and with that understanding, comes true Peace. I remember when I understood the sentence that states "...even the dull and ignorant: they too have their story". It was on a trip back from the Gulf Coast and we had to stop at a gas station in Eufaula, Alabama. I locked my keys in the car.....but that's another story.

Go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are
vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is. Many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not
feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disappointment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here. And whether it is clear to you or not, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and
aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its sham and drudgery and broken dreams it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

The authorship has been the cause of much speculation over the years but the current preference of thought attributes Max Ehrmann to have written Desiderata in 1927.

- Intro To The Animals

The animals! As promised, here are some images of our "woof woof" (as one is apt to refer to animals of the canine persuation) and our new kitten.

The doggie (shown in the first image during a visit to the park) is a German-Shepherd/Chow Chow mix and has the most beautiful demeanor. We also had a Golden Retriever/Chow Chow mix for 2 years but eventually had to return her to the humane society because she had an aggressive streak which is great for a guard dog but not a pet.

Our newest additon is a rather unafraid kitten, full of character and lots of fun! The two are great friends and protective of one another. Here the kitten is taking a snooze on his pal's back!

Yes, that's right!!!! I bought one of those cute, cozy, pet thingies and got my camera out! Classic childless woman's over-compensation with the pets, huh? lol ;->

Friday, November 24, 2006

- Dr. Doggy

Dr. Doggy: So how are you feeling today? Are you really comfortable in that hat of yours? I mean, is it knitted or crocheted or....

Moi: I'm fine, though, you know I only left The Womb a couple of months ago......but why are you interested in my wardrobe? I should be inquiring about that brush danging from your neck!

Dr. Doggy: Good observation! Just wanted to see if you'd notice... now I must tell you that you are not really allowed to touch me during these sessions on the couch....

Moi: But your long ears are soooooooooooo soft....

Dr. Doggy: Aha! See why I never leave home without my brush?

Moi: And why are your ears so long?

Dr. Doggy: All the better to hear you, my dear.... Now stick out your tongue like this....

Moi: Why? What's the point?

Dr. Doggy: Exactly!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

- Les Hommes De Ma Vie

So here are 75% of the men currently in my life before they started using shaving cream!!! I am sure most of you can decipher for yourselves who is who.....those not as familiar with my world... sorry, for I shall not be naming names on the Mongolian Shoe !

"Well, let's see, what we can do....." ponders our industrious, executive genius!

This week will be a week of sharing photos......... such a great way of sharing images without having to edit jpegs!!! I did enough of that when I was deeply involved in the RE world!!! My goodness! Anything that is simplified along the technological express train is fine by moi! There was a time when you had to have skills to create a website. I myself was self-taught and LOVED IT!!! These days, things have become so user-friendly that anyone (including my neighbor's goldfish) can be creative online! All those hours we spent years ago in FrontPage, et al creating elaborate websites with html, links and formats, etc. that caused one to perpetually experience bouts of extreme FBS (fried brain syndrome...), what were they for, I ask you?!! But I digress.....

" Yes, I may handle your accounts, but in my heart, right here, I am a musician!!"

I have decided that I may as well share as much PIJ (photo-induced joy) via the Mongolian Shoe (and possibly via some of the other media options one utilizes) as I can. So enjoy!

" Six Sigma aside, this Easter bunny belongs to me!"